4-13 Programme Support Team
The 4 to 13 Programme Support Team deliver networking and peer support for District Programme teams with a focus on Top Awards. They help District teams to build capacity and knowledge in local teams and identify opportunities for support or events best done at County scale.
14-24 Programme Support Team
The 14 to 24 Programme Support team deliver networking and peer support for District 14-24 teams with a focus on Top Awards. They help District teams to build capacity and knowledge in local teams and identify opportunities for support or events best done at County scale.
Permits and Approvals Team
The Permits and Approvals team manage the Adventurous Activity permit system, Gang Show approvals and approval of County nights away notifications, for County events in the UK.
Events Team
The Events Team organise and deliver events that are best done at County scale and focus on Top Awards, recognition or learning
International Events Team
The International Events Team organise and deliver international events that are best done at County scale and focus on Top Awards.
Archery Team
The Archery Team work with the Events team to deliver specialist archery events for young people (best done at scale) whilst also supporting County events by delivering archery activities. They also work with the Learning team to provide learning that enables volunteers to progress towards an archery permit.
Mountain Team
The Mountain Team delivers specialist adventurous activity events for young people. The team also works with the Learning Team to provide learning and skills development that enables volunteers to attain permits.
The Team will work to support the provision of these activities by Groups and Districts.
The Team will run County wide events “at scale” where there is demand from Districts and local provision is not viable.
Water Team
The Water Team work with the Events team to deliver specialist waterbased events for young people (best done at scale) whilst also supporting County events by delivering water activities. They also work with the Learning team to provide learning that enables volunteers to progress towards water-based permits.