Digital Team
The Digital Team deliver and ensure a consistent digital provision across all internal and external facing platforms across the County.
Key responsibilities
- To provide and support digital systems to enable volunteers and teams to perform their tasks effectively.
- To ensure that all systems are appropriate, safe and secure.
- To support the provision of systems within Districts where doing so at the County level is requested and fits in with the concept of acting “at scale”.
- To advise the County Leadership Team on appropriate policies, processes and procedures in relation to digital provision.
- To provide support and advice to District Digital Teams including the development of a community of practice.
- Manage (either directly or through delegation) access to County digital systems
- Regularly review system security
- Manage contracts and subscriptions for digital services
- Administer the budget for the team
- Provide and maintain a Digital Strategy that supports and enhances the strategic aims of the County Leadership Team
- Scope opportunities for new or replacement systems that offer an enhancement to Essex Scouts in terms of time, experience or money